- After giving birth to twins, I was overproducing milk and needed to constantly pump.
- I noticed my left breast was hard and tender, and after consulting with my doctor it was clear I had a clog.
- I tried everything to release the clog, including having my husband "breastfeed" to loosen it.
"My left boob hurts," I told my husband one summer night in 2020. I had given birth to twins a couple of months before that and was pumping breast milk around the clock.
Years before, I had also pumped for my son, and I knew the discomfort I could expect those first months. This felt different, so I immediately called my obstetrician to make sure everything was OK. She had me come into the office and told me almost instantly that I had a milk clog, which happens when a milk duct is obstructed, not allowing milk to flow out of the breast properly.
Obstructed ducts happen in about 20% of breastfeeding people and can lead to mastitis, when the breast becomes infected due to inflammation of the clog. If left untreated it can cause abscesses and require hospitalization.
Fearing mastitis, and wanting to avoid going to the hospital with two infants during a pandemic, I set out to remove the clog. I tried everything, including having my husband "breastfeed" from that breast. While we both were skeptical of this approach, it ended up being a hilarious moment in our relationship that we will probably never forget.
I tried massaging and pumping before calling my husband for help
After I came home from the doctor, I took it as my full time job to remove the painful clog from my breast.
First I massaged the area to see if I could loosen it with my hands. Then I started pumping while massaging. I could tell my milk output was significantly down, meaning the duct was almost fully clogged, which freaked me out.
When that failed, I used my vibrating face brush to see if massaging the clog would help. Lactation consultants often recommend using an electric toothbrush or vibrators to help loosen a clog, and some brands have even come out with special vibrating tools for clogs.
Nothing worked, so I asked my Facebook group of moms what else I could do to help.
"Have your husband breastfeed from the affected breast," someone said. First I laughed, but given that nothing else was helping ease the pain and discomfort I figured I should try. While doctors recommend having your baby try to suck out the clog by breastfeeding while you massage your breast, moms on Reddit swear by the partner approach.
It was awkward at first
I suggested it to my husband. There was no hesitation from his side.
After we put all the kids to bed we decided to try. My husband grabbed a glass to have nearby because he didn't want to swallow the milk.
"Ready? Let's do this," he said, and I started laughing at what was about to happen. It was awkward at first, seeing my husband try to suck out milk from my breast, but I quickly got over it when I saw milk finally coming out.
We did it for about 10 minutes — until I was uncomfortable, since his sucking was stronger than my pump or our babies' mouths.
My breast was less full, but his sucking didn't remove the clog.
The trick that actually worked
Defeated, I kept Googling to see what could help, and found a solution that worked for my breast.
I already owned a Haakaa pump, a little manual pump that goes on the non-feeding breast to catch milk the body starts releasing when a baby nurses. On the company website, they suggest doing an Epsom warm bath for your breast with it to remove clogs.
I followed the steps, hooked up to the breast pump, and sat leaning forward while watching TV. Minutes later when I looked down, there was my clog, floating in the salty water. My breast immediately felt better.
I repeated the salt bath the next day, and less than 24 hours later I was back to normal, pumping my usual ounces and not feeling any pain at all.
While my husband's "breastfeeding" attempt didn't work, it's something we will never forget. Ultimately, it brought us even closer as a couple knowing that he was willing to do anything to make sure I am OK.